Birth Marked

Description: You have script like birthmarks, a nimbus, or a halo (or any combination of all three) that appear and glow the same color as your aura when emotional, stressed, or facing your destiny. You can make an Easy Composure check (DC 10) to lower the brightness per degree of success

Chosen Flats: Quirk: Uncontrollably activates when stressed, emotional, or when your Destiny Complication is activated, Check Required 1: Easy Composure (DC 10), to lower brightness by 1 per degree of success


A Souls Aura outline and aura color are determined by the following.

Outline is determined by a Souls overall ethics. Strong Emotions can cause outlines to appear to move rapidly, while calm emotions appear as gentle movements.
Crisp = Orderly
Hazy = Neutral or Unaligned
Jagged = Chaotic

Aura Color
Aura Color is determined by a Souls current mood. Lighter tints for more positive emotions, darker shades for more negative emotions. Mixed emotions show as a mix of colors.


Colors Positive Negative
Red Conviction, Courage, Love Anger, Craving, Lust
Yellow Elation, Hope, Joy Apathy, Confusion, Fear
Green Freedom, Surprise, Wonder Anxiety, Envy, Guilt
Blue Calmness, Confidence, Content Despair, Distant, Sorrow
Violet Curious, Inspired, Pride Disgust, Shame, Suspicion
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