FEYN (Small-Large Sidereal [Other World])
Defenses: Reflex
Skills: See Fey Traits
Proficiencies: Fables, Nature
Star Sight: You gain Low-Light Vision and Feature: Protection from Bright Lights, but your eyes appear black while using Star Sight due to your inner eyelid closing [1]
Fey Hearing: You gain Extended 1 and Danger Sense, but your ears are noticeably Long and Pointy [1]
Fey Step: You can move instantly between the Other World and the World, with up to 50 lbs. (mass rank 0) of additional material. Each time you use this effect, it loses 1 rank of effectiveness (Movement 1, Dimensional Travel [Other World and the World], Fades) [1]
Longevity: Once you reach maturity you age at a slower rate, and have a longer lifespan. In addition, you gain Resistance against Aging effects [1/2]
Trance: Rather than sleep, you can meditate, study, create art or commune with nature. You need half as much rest as other races to gain the same benefits. In addition, you gain Resistance against Sleep effects [1/2]
Fey Traits: Choose 4 Fey Traits that define you, each tied to an emotion and offering a particular benefit and Skill Affinity options. You can choose 1 Skill Affinity per Fey Trait. Your appearance is always affected by your chosen traits. You also take an additional hubris at 1st level from one of those suggested by your Fey Traits. The PP awarded by this hubris is already spent on this racial ability (Hubris) [3]
Iron Sensitivity: You gain Sensitivity against Iron [-1]
Racial Edge [1]
- Attractive
Languages: Common, Sidereal [0]
Skills: 2 Heritage Ranks each to any 2 Affinity Skills available to this Clan [2]
Proficiencies: 2 Heritage Ranks each to any 2 Affinity Proficiencies available to this Clan [1]
Description: Feyns average between two and eight feet tall with slight to sinewy builds, and skin and hair shades much like humans, though some might even have shades of pink, purple, blue, green, copper, silver, or gold instead, and eye colors of violet, blue, gray, green, brown, or amber typically, that become solid black when using their Star Sight. Feyns also have long pointy ears and an otherworldly beauty and grace about them. Feyns tend to have various features depending on their Fey Traits. Facial and body hair can average from non existent to thick, and some may even have fur or other animal or plant like features or traits.