Mononoke Tribes


The Mononoke are animals, or their descendants, who the Primal Spirits awakened. All choose a Tribal Form, but some may also have an Animal and Humanoid form. Both can trade up to 2 of their Tribal Form traits for one or both of the Racial Edges of the Humanoid form.

Animal Form
As Tribal Trait and add below
Comprehend: While in your animal form you can speak to and comprehend animals of the same Tribe as you (Comprehend 2, Type -1 [Broad: Same Tribe]) [2]
Racial Edge [-2]

  • Benefit -2: Cannot use Equipment or Tools, Cannot use Weapons or Armor [-2]

Humanoid Form
Retains Affinities, Hubris, and up to 5 pp worth of abilities from Tribal Trait and add below
Racial Edge [2]
Choose any two of the Edges below

  • Empathy
  • Favored Environment
  • Luck
  • Uncanny Dodge
  • Skill Mastery
  • Attractive
  • Emphasis
  • Hide in Plain Sight

The Tribes of Mammals


Tribe Type
Roden Terrestrial Rodents and similar animals
Ratatosk Arboreal Rodents and similar animals
Lepus Hopping Mammals and similar animals
Baital Bats and similar animals
Selkie Pinnipeds, Otters, and similar animals
Cetus Cetaceans and similar animals


Tribe Type
Taurus Tough Horned Mammals and similar animals
Keresh Agile Horned Mammals and similar animals
Equul Horses, Camels, and similar animals
Kandul Long Nosed Mammals and similar animals
Kelpie Hippos, Hogs, Manatees, and similar animals
Vanara Primates and similar animals


Tribe Type
Ursa Bears and similar animals
Rami Musteloidea and similar animals
Lupus Canines and similar animals
Tigris Greater Felines and similar animals
Basta Lesser Felines and similar animals
Gnoll Viverroidea and similar animals
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