Organizations And Religions

Broad Organizations

Name Type Size Alignment Leader Members Complications Allies/Enemies
Shadow Sashes Assassin's Guild Medium Evil ? ? ? ?
Explorer's Guild League of Explorer's Major ? ? ? ? ?
Gold Current League Trading Company Medium ? ? ? ? ?
Juniper Group Smuggling Cartel Major ? ? ? ? ?
Holy Order of Tyr Church and Knightly Order Minor Lawful ? ? ? ?
Shrine of Loviatar Church and Cult Minor Evil ? ? ? ?
Artificer's Guild Craft Guild Minor ? ? ? ? ?

Free Trade Alliance Organizations

Name Type Size Alignment Leader Members Complications Allies/Enemies
Consortium of Maul Pirate Syndicate Major, PC Evil ? ? ? ?
Cult of Maulnoc Cult Medium, PC Evil ? ? ? ?
Red Skulls Pirate Group Major Evil ? ? ? ?
Mero's Marchers Mercenary Company Major ? ? ? ? ?
Gift Coast Navy Foreign Navy Major Lawful ? ? ? ?
Sisthaxes Embassy Foreign Diplomats Minor Evil Threkiss Gikrithsis Patriotism ?

Cliffsedge Organizations

Name Type Size Alignment Leader Members Complications Allies/Enemies
Blood Swords City Guard Medium ? ? ? ? ?
The Peoples Guard Militia Major Good ? ? ? ?
Tower of High Magic Wizard's Guild Medium ? ? ? ? ?
Cliffsedge University University Medium ? ? ? ? ?
The Selath Institute Bardic College Minor ? ? ? ? ?
Tower of Thuros Sage's Guild Minor ? ? ? ? ?
Garro's Garrotes Street Gang Minor ? ? ? ? ?
Order of the Broken Shield Knightly Order Medium Good ? ? ? ?
Brotherhood of Order Anachist Band Minor ? ? ? ? ?
Cliffsedge Liberation Movement for an Orderly and Civilized Nation Freedom Fighters Medium ? ? ? ? ?
The People's Free Republic for the Continued Growth and Expansion of Cliffsedge Democratic Government Minor, PC Chaotic ? ? ? ?
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