
Character Sheet

YAKSHA (Small-Large Lunaels)

Defenses: See Tribal Traits
Skills: See Tribal Traits
Proficiencies: Nature, Artistry, Build

Skills: 2 Heritage Ranks each to any 2 Affinity Skills [2]
Threefold Life: You have three forms you switch between related to your chosen Tribal Trait, your original form, an animal form, and a humanoid form both chosen at creation. To switch between animal and humanoid forms you must first switch to your original form (Morph 2 [2 single forms, 1 animal, 1 humanoid], Limited 2 [Metamorphs Only, Cannot Replicate a particular person], Noticeable [Same Scent in all forms], Metamorph 2 [Animal Form, Humanoid Form], Increased Action 2 [Standard action], Check Required 1 [Easy, DC 10], Quirk [Cannot switch between Animal and Human Forms], Permanent 0 [Becomes natural form until next use]) [1]
Tribal Trait: Choose a Tribal Trait that defines your particular tribe. You also take an additional hubris at 1st level as defined by your Tribal Trait. The Power Point awarded by this hubris is already spent on this racial ability (Hubris) [6]
Longevity: Once you reach maturity you age at a slower rate, and have a longer lifespan. In addition, you gain Resistance against Aging effects (Immunity, Aging 1, Half Effect) [1/2]
Scheme: Rather than sleep, you can play, plan, plot, or scheme. You need half as much rest as other races to gain the same benefits. In addition, you gain Resistance against Sleep effects (Immunity, Sleep 1, Half Effect) [1/2]
Silver Sensitivity: You gain Sensitivity against Silver (Vulnerability, Silver 2, Half Effect) [-1]

Languages: Common, Lunael [0]
Proficiencies: 2 Heritage Ranks each to any 2 Affinity Profiencies [1]

Basta (Small-Medium Lesser Feline like)

Defense Affinity: Reflex
Skill Affinities: Acrobatics (Agl), Deception (Cha), Perception (Wis), Persuasion (Cha), Stealth (Agl), Survival (Wis)
Hubris: Arrogant, Hedonistic, Rash [-1]
Movement: Fast (Speed 1 [12 squares]) [1]
Visual: Cat Eyes (Dark Vision, Microscopic 1, Feature: Movement Sense, Noticeable, Quirk: Color Blind) [1]
Auditory: Cat Ears (Accurate, Extended 1, Ultra Hearing, Noticeable, Quirk: High Frequencies only on Ultra Hearing) [1]
Olfactory: Snout (Acute, Ranged, Noticeable) [1]
Tactile: Whiskers (Ranged, Danger Sense, Noticeable) [1]
Natural Attacks: Claws and Bite (Damage 1) [1]
Climbers: You can climb faster on surfaces your claws can penetrate or find gaps (Wall Crawling 1, Limited [No Ceilings]) [1]
Nimble: You’re better able to deal with obstacles and obstructions to movement or fall safely while in either a natural setting or an urban (Movement, Sure-footed 1 or Safe Fall, Limited [Natural Setting or Urban Setting]) [1]
Lazy: You gain Sensitivity against Sleep and Starvation and Thirst Effects (Vulnerability, Sleep 1, Starvation and Thirst 1, Half Effect) [-1]

DRUID (Primal Expert)

Granted Effect Types: General, Movement, Sensory
Trained Effect Type: Choose 1 from Attack, Control, Defense
Effect Category: Supernatural
Powers Name: Rites
Defenses: Fortitude
Skills: Athletics x2 (Str), Perception (Wis), Recall (Int), Stealth (Agl), Survival (Wis)
Proficiencies: Nature, Elements, Perform
Language: Lunael
Tribe: Lunaels
Plane: Ethereal Sea
Gods: Rudras

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